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Fractora RF Microneedling

Cataleya Aesthetics

Aesthetic Clinics located in San Jose, CA

Radiofrequency (RF) Microneedling is a non-invasive treatment that helps restore the texture and strength of the skin and reduce scarring, fine lines, and crepiness. Fractora treatment combines microneedling and radiofrequency to stimulate collagen production and cellular remodeling in the outer and middle layers of the skin.

Fractora by InMode is a predecessor of Morpheus8, also available at Cataleya Aesthetics in San Jose, California. Even though both technologies are very similar, they have individual advantages. Due to its ablative abilities, Fractora is excellent for textural issues such as acne scars and crepey skin. Morpheus8 is great for more profound skin tightening and can provide sculpting effects. If indicated, Morpheus8 and Fractora treatments can be performed together.

photo of Cataleya Aesthetics

Radiofrequency (RF) Microneedling is a non-invasive treatment that helps restore the texture and strength of the skin and reduce scarring, fine lines, and crepiness. Fractora treatment combines microneedling and radiofrequency to stimulate collagen production and cellular remodeling in the outer and middle layers of the skin.

Fractora by InMode is a predecessor of Morpheus8, also available at Cataleya Aesthetics in San Jose, California. Even though both technologies are very similar, they have individual advantages. Due to its ablative abilities, Fractora is excellent for textural issues such as acne scars and crepey skin. Morpheus8 is great for more profound skin tightening and can provide sculpting effects. If indicated, Morpheus8 and Fractora treatments can be performed together.

Fractora Benefits

  • Strengthens and tightens skin
  • Reduces fine lines and wrinkles
  • Reduces scars, including acne scars
  • Reduces acne breakouts
  • Reduces crepiness
  • Reduces stretch marks
  • Improves skin tone and texture
  • Can be used almost anywhere (face, neck, and body)
  • Minimal discomfort (only topical numbing is required)
  • Little downtime
  • Safe for all skin types
  • Can be combined with different procedures such as plasmatherapy (PRF), facials, chemical peels, and phototherapy

Cataleya Aesthetics team is proud to offer Fractora treatment to restore, fortify, and rejuvenate your skin. To see if RF Microneedling is right for you, call our San Jose, California office at (408) 613-2899 or request an appointment online today.

photo of Cataleya Aesthetics

Fractora RF Microneedling FAQ

What is the Pricing of Fractora treatment?

Fractora treatments range from $750 to $1,950 per session depending on the area/areas to be treated. Package prices for multiple sessions are available. A precise quote is provided during the consultation when your provider can hear your concerns and assess the area you would like to address with Fractora.

How does Fractora work?

Fractora is a handheld device that houses a matrix of tiny needles and delivers fractionated RF energy to improve the quality of your skin. Microneedling is a well-studied therapeutic technique known as collagen induction therapy or CIT. Collagen and elastin are essential building blocks of our skin that provide structure, support, and elasticity. Creating microscopic, controlled trauma to the skin and the subsequent healing process increases collagen and elastin production by up to 400%. Applying RF energy generates therapeutic levels of heat that enhance the effect of traditional microneedling by stimulating even higher collagen production and cell remodeling. This process results in improved texture and strength of your skin.

What makes Fractora different?

Fractora by InMode has coated and uncoated micro pins that puncture the skin and deliver radiofrequency energy, or heat, subdermally, substantially boosting the formation of new collagen and elastin. RF energy shrinks sebaceous glands, where oil and sebum are produced, which decreases future acne breakouts. Fractora has different attachments allowing deep and more superficial skin remodeling and resurfacing. It can improve your skin’s texture and laxity after just one treatment!

How soon will I see the results?

You will see improvements within days to weeks after the procedure. However, collagen synthesis takes time, and your skin will continue to improve over the next 4-6 months, especially when a great skincare regimen is followed at home. Sometimes, 3-5 treatments might be recommended depending on your concerns, goals, and skin assessment.

Is Fractora treatment painful?

Most people experience minimal to mild discomfort during Fractora treatments. To ensure optimal comfort, we apply a strong numbing cream 50-60 minutes before the treatment.

Am I a candidate for Fractora RF Microneedling?

RF Microneedling is suitable for all skin types and can address multiple concerns, such as loose skin, wrinkles, and scarring. RF Microneedling contraindications include active acne breakout, active cold sores, open lesions or wounds, active infection, moderate to severe eczema or psoriasis, scleroderma, and severe keloidal tendencies.

How long is the downtime?

Downtime ranges from 3 to 5 days. You can expect the skin to be reddened, tender, and tiny scabs and rough texture to develop for a couple of days as your skin initiates the healing process. Sunblock and makeup can be applied 48 hours after your treatment.

What should I do before my treatment?

  • Avoid sun exposure and use sunblock daily for at least two weeks before treatment.
  • Avoid topical irritant agents for one week before treatment.
  • Avoid taking blood thinning medications for one week before your treatment if medically permitted by your physician.
  • Arrive with a clean face and no makeup.

What should I expect during my treatment?

  • All your questions and concerns will be addressed.
  • We will ensure you are comfortable and your privacy is protected.
  • Your skin will be cleansed with a medical-grade antiseptic, and then the numbing cream will be applied for approximately 60 minutes.
  • After removing numbing cream, your skin will be disinfected with alcohol, and your practitioner will start the treatment.
  • Once treatment is complete, medical barrier cream will be applied to the skin to soothe and moisturize the skin.

What should I expect after my treatment?

  • Depending on the type of treatment, the procedure might be completed by placing a collagen mask, Oxygen dome, or LED light over the treatment area.
  • Your face will be reddened and tender for about 2-3 days, and you might experience rough texture and scabbing. That is entirely normal. It is essential not to pick on the tiny scabs. They will fall off naturally within a couple of days. We recommend avoiding makeup for 48 hours after your procedure. After that, using gentle skin care and daily sunblock is advised.
  • Your provider will review post-procedure instructions and give you a copy to take home.

Cataleya Aesthetics specialists will answer your questions and help you understand all the treatment options. Call our office at (408) 316-2899 or request an appointment online.

our services


Morpheus8 RF Microneedling

Strengthens and tightens skin, improves texture, and contours the face.



PRF Plasmatherapy for Skin and Hair

Improves healing, nourishes skin, and stimulates hair growth.



Fractora RF Microneedling

Improves acne scarring and reduces skin crepiness, fine lines, and wrinkles.



CosmoPen Microneedling

Stimulates collagen and elastin production, tightens pores, and improves skin tone and texture.



Lumecca IPL PhotoFacial

Reduces unwanted pigmentation and sun damage, shrinks facial veins and broken capillaries, reduces acne, and evens skin tone.



Botox Injections

Reduce dynamic wrinkles, prevent wrinkles from becoming permanent, smooth out skin, and reduce pore size.



Dermal Filler Injections

Plump lips, replenish lost facial volume and can be used for facial balancing.



Forma and Forma Plus RF Skin Tightening

Stimulates collagen and elastin production to smooth and tighten skin.



DiolazeXL Laser Hair Removal

Effectively and permanently reduces unwanted facial and body hair.



HydraFacial and
Custom Facials

Clears, exfoliates, deeply hydrates, and nourishes the skin. Addresses multiple skin issues, from acne to aging.



Chemical Peels

Go beyond exfoliating and treat problem-prone skin, combat aging, reduce pore size, and stimulate skin regeneration.



Clinical Grade Skin Care

Customized to each client’s needs and can dramatically improve skin hydration, tone, texture, and overall health.



BodyFX and MiniFX RF Body Contouring

Help to reduce unwanted “stubborn” fat and tighten the skin.



Vasculaze Spider Vein Treatment

Effectively reduces the appearance of body spider veins and vascular lesions.